What I've been working on

React dictionary app preview

React dictionary app

For this project I used the dictionary API made by SheCodes and the Pexels API to generate images of the word that is being looked up.

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React weather app preview

React weather app

This is my first React project. I integrated the Open Weather API and bootstrap.

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Travel guide preview

Travel Guide Innsbruck

In this project I made use of CSS grids and embeds from Google Maps and Instagram.

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AI project preview

AI Ukrainian poem generator

For this project I used the API of the SheCodes AI. I gave the AI certain commands so that it would make sure to generate the poem in the right format and Ukrainian language. In this project I used HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Axios.

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world clock project preview

World Clock

For this project I used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Moment Js and Axios. Moment Js proved to be very useful in working with dates.

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Weather project preview


For this weather app I imported a current weather and a forecast weather API provided by SheCodes. I used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flexbox and Axios.

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